The Yuill family of Kalgoorlie

Recently I was in contact with Jason Clark who has been researching his ‘Yuill’ family connections in the WA Goldfields.

The family suffered several tragedies. The following photograph shows Christina Jessie Yuill (nee Balle) with her young son William John . Although the date was handwritten on the front of the photograph of 1916, this is incorrect as Jessie died in 1906 just before her son William aged 10. The following records I was able to find for Jason are from the ‘Kalgoorlie Hospital Admission Records’. As you will see, first Christina contracted Typhoid in Jan 1906 followed by her young son William.

Carolina Jessie Yuill (Balle) 1870, William John Yuill 1896 (Photo cropped from the larger photo below)

Christina Jessie YUILL
Husband William John Yuill
Address: Hill End
Age 35
Cause:- Typhoid perforated intestine
Admitted 27/01/1906 Died 6 days later
Her clothing and two rings were given to her husband
Christina was buried  on the 4 Feb 1906
Weslyen Section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery

William John YUILL
Address: Hill End (reference to Christinas record)
Age 10,      Cause:- Typhoid
Admitted 13/2/1906 Died 2/4/1906, 48 days in hospital
William wasn’t buried until the 25 Jul 1906 in the
Wesleyan Section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery

Christina and William are in different graves. I think this would be because of the regulations of
re opening a grave within a short time of the first burial for health reasons.

From L to R William John Yuill 1859, Caroline May Yuill 1893, William John Yuill 1896, Caroline Jessie Yuill ,Balle,1870, Augustus Dorothy Yuill 1888 pre 1906

ABOVE from L to R: William John Yuill 1859, Caroline May Yuill 1893, William John Yuill 1896, Caroline Jessie Yuill  nee Balle,1870, Augustus Dorothy Yuill 1888 pre 1906. Taken Kalgoorlie. It is not know why the other children, Rose and William and Charles are not in the photograph.

William Snr was also admitted to the hospital after and accident where his daughter Caroline is given as his NOK:-

Charles Henry Yuill 1902 William John Yuill 1859 Rose Evelyn Yuill 1899

Charles Henry Yuill B 1902 William John Yuill B 1859 Rose Evelyn Yuill B 1899 Taken Kalgoorlie

William YUILL
Address:- Woolgar
NOK:- Daughter Caroline Yuill
Aged:- 50
Dislocated right humerus subclavicular
Admitted 5/4/1909 discharged 13/4/1909

William himself was to die in Menzies as follows, he has no headstone:-

William John YUILL Died 10th May 1919 at the Government Hospital Menzies
age 60yrs
Cause:- Asthma, Pneumonia, Cardiac Failure
Father:- John YUILL
Mother:- Christina McCARTHY
Buried 11th May Menzies Cemetery, Methodist Section
Born:- White Hills, Bendigo, VICTORIA
19 yrs in Western Australia
Married:- Caroline Jessie BALLE
Children:- Augustus Dorothy 31yrs, Caroline May 25yrs, Rose Evelyn 20yrs, Walter Henry 16yrs
1 male and 1 female deceased.

Rose Evelyn Yuill aged 18 ~1917

Rose Evelyn Yuill aged 18 ~1917

Augustus Dorothy Yuill born 1888 unsure of the year photo taken

Above:- Augustus Dorothy Yuill born 1888 unsure of the year photo taken, she is the young girl to the far right of the group of five photo above.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Hi Moya I absolutely love the articles you post.
    Just something I noticed Admitted 1906 Death in 1904
    William John YUILL
    Admitted 13/2/1906 Died 2/4/1904, 48 days in hospital
    I lived in Menzies and Kalgoorlie as a teenager. Had a fascination for Menzies cemetery way before it was signposted and some of it ruined.

  2. Oh wow .. thanks for this, Moya .. had Rose and her hubby but didn’t know the rest of the family .. and Walter? I can’t seem to find his birth Registration, which I suppose was somewhere near or in 1906? Or was he the son of another marriage after Caroline’s death in 1906?

    • Hi I was also not able to find a birth registration for William. He could possibly be from another marriage or not born in Western Australia!

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