Wedding Bells in Boulder

If you had a relative who married in Boulder between 1945 and 1951 you may be in luck.

I have various documents regarding the marriages of the following couples. If they are relatives of yours, get in touch with me at


ANGWIN Ernest Thomas Alfred               WILLMOTT Mabel Joyce                          21 Oct 1946

BERREY Arthur John Martin                     REIDY-CROFTS Dorothy Florence May     6 Nov 1946

BLACK Raymond                                      BENNETT Sheila Margaret                       2 Sep 1947

BURNS   Francis Reginald                        BRAJCIC Annie                                          16 Jan 1946

CAMPBELL Keith Mitchell                        MURPHY Joan Patricia                              27 Mar 1946

DITCHBURN George Henry                      JONES Elvie Edna                                   7 Nov 1946

DIXON Eric Davis                                      GRIFFIN Thelma Gladys                          19 Feb 1947

EATTS Sydney Thomas                            TAYLOR Mary Ellen                                9 Apr 1945

ELDRIDGE Harry Edwin Stafford              BATTAGLIA Lena                                    25 Aug 1947

FRENCH James                                         DUFFIN Mary Alice                                 17Dec1951

GRUBISA John                                         OMACINI Lucia                                       17 Mat 1947

GUNTON George Richard Bruce              KENNEDY Constance Phyllis May             12 Jul 1946

HART Alfred                                              RILEY Una Edith                                     7 Mar 1946

HASSELL Harry                                          McMAHON Gwendoline June                   26 Jul 1945

HISLOP Thomas                                        LOVATT Marjorie Irene                          16 Jan 1945

MAFFINA Luigi                                          FIORA Hannah Elizabeth                         14 Nov 1945

MCVICAR John Edwin                                EDWARDS Merle Evelyn                          7 Feb 1947

MUSCHAMP Roderick Harold                   BYRNE Maud Rebecca                             20 Feb 1947

NEESON Leslie John                                 HENWOOD Kathleen Margaret                 25 Jul 1951

NELLIGAN Mathias Joseph                        CASEY Teresa Mae                                 8 Apr 1947

OSMAN Xhevit                                          TOLJ Marija                                           24 Mar 1947

OZANNE Claude                                      DANIELS Beryl Maude Phillips                  17 May 1947

POLLARD Reginald Edward James           MASON Jean                                          11 Apr 1945

SHACKLETON Stephen Edward                SCHOPPE Beryl Fay                                4 Nov 1946

SLEIGHT Stanley Robert                         ATKINS Daphne May                               5 Jul 1947

SMYTHE George Francis                          TILY-LAURIE Agnes Mary                         10 Mar 1947

STEVENS Ronald Ivor                              NELSON Patricia                                     13 Jul 1951

STRAUCH William Leslie                         PHILLIPS Elsie May                                 15 Jun 1945

TROWBRIDGE Ronald Orville                   PEART Edith Kathleen                            19 Jun 1947

WAINWRIGHT Frederick Charles             GRUBB Freda                                         18 Oct 1945

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.


  1. LAUREN DUKE says

    Hi Moya
    Reginald Pollard and Jean Mason (Ferguson) on my dad’s side are my grandparents.
    Would love to find out any information you have.

    • Hi Lauren Im so sorry but this set of records has already been claimed by anthother relative. If you would like I can put you in touch with them?

  2. Malcolm Crofts says

    Hi Moya,
    I am after any information or photos you could provide on Dorothy Florence Reidy-Crofts previously Reed). I have lots of family from the Wiluna region who also lived in Kalgoorlie many years ago. Appreciate your assistance. Malcolm

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