To be Frank – a Coolgardie Family

The Frank Family at their home in Sylvester Street Coolgardie c1919

The Frank Family at their home in Sylvester Street Coolgardie c1919


Back Row:- L-R Charles Bernard Ceillam FRANK (29/10/1901 to 1977), Henry Bernard Joseph FRANK 1898 to 4/6/1943),  Gerald Francis Patrick FRANK (15/2/1907)  -Wilfred Ernest John FRANK (8/6/1903 to Oct 1989),

Middle Row: Ivey Alice Mary FRANK (8/6/1903 to 21/1/1992) Married to PURDY, Bernard Joseph FRANK born 1867 New Zealand, Alice Magdalene FRANK nee CEILLAM born 1873 England.

Front Row:-Albert George Alexander FRANK Born 1913 (Twin) – Rosabel Alice Mary FRANK (2/3/1913), Herbert Anthony FRANK (12/6/1908)

Bernard Joseph Frank was born in Nelson Lyell N, New Zealand in 1867, he was a miner. He was the son of Jacob FRANK (Carpenter) and Mary HASLAM.

On 5 Jul 1897 he married Alice Magdelaine CEILLAM who was born in Kingsbury, Wycombe, Buckinghamshire England in 1873, and was the daughter of William CEILLAM (Gardener) and Mary COSE.

The couple were to have eight children:-

Henry Bernard Joseph FRANK-  Born Broad Arrow 1898
Ivey Alice Mary FRANK –  Born Black Flag 1899 – Married M PURDY
Charles Bernard Ceillam FRANK – Born Bonnievale 1901
Wilfred Ernest John FRANK – Born Tindalls Mine Coolgardie 1903
Gerald Francis Patrick FRANK  -Born Tindalls Mine Coolgardie 1907
Herbert Anthony FRANK  -Born Tindalls Mine Coolgardie 1908
Rosabel Mary FRANK  -Born Tindalls Mine Coolgardie 1913 (1st born of twins) – Married W Nicholson
Albert George Alexander FRANK  – Born Tindalls Mine, Coolgardie 1913 (2nd born of twins)

Alice was to die in Kalgoorlie in 1930 and Bernard in 1940, they are buried together in the Catholic section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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  1. Phil Bianchi says

    Thank you for portray the Frank family.

    A number of members of the family were involved in the woodlines as independent firewood contractors. They managed their staff and contracts in the same way as the larger woodline companies; they didn’t have their own tramway system, they used WA Govt railways rail trucks which were delivered to the nearest siding.

    The firewood and timber was then delivered to Kalgoorlie industry, via WAGR rail.

  2. Phil Bianchi says

    More on the Franks of the goldfields.

    P (Jim) Frank was a firewood contractor who initially worked for WA Goldfields Firewood Supply and then went into business for himself, established The Golden Mile and Murchison Timber Supply Company.

    He established cutting operations near Norseman, as well as at Kumarl and Treslove nearer Salmon Gums. In 1938, Frank was supplying Norseman Gold Mine NL260 and he was possibly supplying other companies but details are not known.

    In 1946, Frank also had cutting operations near Karalee, Woolgangie and Duri Sidings on the Perth to Kalgoorlie railway, to deliver firewood to the Lake View and Star mine in Boulder.

    Frank used WAGR to deliver his firewood to various clients.

    • I wonder if he is a relative of this family. I did find out a sad story about one of the sons, Henry, who had a broken marriage and then was tragically killed on the Bulong road in an accident in his early 40’s.

  3. Phil Bianchi says

    I don’t how you could find out. It would great to know, please advise if you do.

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