The Railway Coffee Palace- Coolgardie

Harrison Railway Guest House – Woodward Street Coolgardie Aug 1906

The above photograph is of Harrisons Guest House and Coffee Palace which was in the Railway Chambers and also contained the Westralia Dining Rooms. This building, built in 1897, was directly across from the Coolgardie Railway Station in Woodward Street, Coolgardie. It was also know as the Railway Coffee Palace. The man on the far right holding the baby is Henry Harrison and the others are relatives.

Coolgardie Miner Monday 19 March 1906, page 2

Coolgardie Miner Monday 19 March 1906, page 2

Henry Ralph Harrison and his wife Elizabeth Ann Harrison

Henry Ralph Harrison and his wife Elizabeth Ann Harrison

It was owned and run  by Henry Ralph Harrison and his wife Elizabeth Ann Harrison. The building was sold in 1932, demolished and the materials sent to Kalgoorlie.

Coolgardie Miner Friday 18 June 1897, page 3

Coolgardie Miner Friday 18 June 1897, page 3

The first Proprietress in 1897 on the accommodation side, was Mrs C Brown, followed by Mrs Slocombe in 1898.

Coolgardie Miner Saturday 4 July 1914, page 2

Coolgardie Miner Saturday 4 July 1914, page 2

The above advertisement shows the tariff in 1914 when the dining rooms and accommodation was operated by a Mrs Harris.

It shows that in 1897 the cost of a single room only was 20 shillings but by 1914, 17yrs later,  full board and lodgings only cost 27 shilling and. sixpence.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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