The Niagara Football Club – a verse

Kookynie Advocate and Northern Goldfields News 31 October 1903, page 2

The Niagara Football Club.
(With apologies to “Banjo” Patterson.)

On Saturday 17th October 1903, after Niagara became football premiers, there was a grand wind-up at the Niagara Hotel where over fifty people sat down to a great feast. To mark this event the following poem was published.

Niagara Football Club Kalgoorlie Western Argus 6 June 1905, page 19

Niagara Football Club Kalgoorlie Western Argus 6 June 1905, page 19

It was somewhere in Westralia, in this land of sand and scrub,
That they formed an institution, called the Niagara Football Club;
They were small but wiry fellows, who seldom knew defeat,
The Mines and Towns will tell you now how hard they were to beat,

Their way of playing football was anything but flash,
But what they lacked in science they made up for in dash.
From the time the whistle sounded until the bell had rung,
Every player in the team his very best had done.

There was Burke, their genial captain always to the fore.
And Marvin playing forward, a certainty to score;
And Billy Howe and Kelly were dandies at the game,
For, no matter what their difficulties, they got there just the same.

O’Halloran, and Leipold deserve their need of praise;
And Davey Bright, the youngster — oh, what a game he plays.
And ” Morgey “— lately raised to the dignity of ” Pa “,
Played the game, as also did our wiley friend ‘Jack Barr’.

Cartilage and Benson, Lou Stoltz, and Richardson
Worked like “little beauties” until the day was won.
The Hartley brothers, George and Bill— the latter very fleet,
Could always be depended on to do things very neat.

Cowan always worth his place, as also was Hickmott,
With Jimmy Frewin, now completes this valiant” little lot”,
But Johnston with the whistle, and the games open and free,
Helped make Niagara premiers for nineteen hundred and three.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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