Julie and Craig Gunn contacted me at the beginning of the year and told me about their planned visit to Bulong to remember their family’s time there. Craig is the Great Grandson of Edward and Catherine Gunn, their son Joseph Henry was his grandfather. They are in town at this moment and have just sent me some photographs of the cleaned-up headstone of their relative Cecelia Gunn.
Above – The Gunn (Gunne) Family – Edward and Catherine nee O’Neill with their three sons all born in NSW: L-R -Francis ‘Frank’ Charles born 1887, Edward John born 1890 – Edward Snr – Joseph Henry born 1896 -seated Catherine. While still in NSW the couple had another son, Daniel Patrick Dunn, born 1892, who died within a year of his birth from measles. He is buried in the Broken Hill Cemetery.
This is the story they have told me: Edward and Catherine Gunn and their three boys came over to Bulong WA from Broken Hill, NSW after years of drought, the gold must have sounded like a better option. Although it’s not verified, Im sure they would have come by boat disembarking at either Albany or Esperance or possibly even Fremantle.
Edward Gunn (sometimes Gunne) was born in Ballieborough, Co Cavan, Northern Ireland in 1858 to Charles Gunn and Judith nee Smith. He arrived in Australia on 22 February 1878 on the Ship called the “Camperdown” from Plymouth, England. He was married on the 15th of November 1886 in North Adelaide, South Australia to Catherine ‘Kathleen’ O’Neill. Catherine was born in 1857 in Donaghmore, Northern Ireland to John O’Neill and Cecily Marie nee Cullen. She arrived in Adelaide SA on the 8 July in 1875 from Plymouth. It is thought they may have met through the church.
The family arrived in Western Australia possibly in early 1898, where they first lived in a tent, and then moved to Reid Street, Bulong, the main street of the town. The boys attended school at the Bulong State School, Joseph Gunn 1st boy on the left 2nd back row, Frank Gunn 1st boy in back row on left, Edward Gunn last boy on right in the back row, photograph below.
Their first daughter, who was also their last child, was born on the 17th of May 1898 on the Mt Charlotte Gold Mine in Kalgoorlie. On her birth certificate, she is registered as Cecelia ‘Mary’ Gunn. After her birth in 1898, the family moved to Bulong, a new town 20 miles East of Kalgoorlie which had only been gazetted three years earlier.
Sadly their daughter Cecelia died in Bulong aged only 10 months from diarrhoea and exhaustion, a common cause of death in young children. She is buried in the Bulong Cemetery and has one of the few remaining headstones out of 93 burials.
We had a little treasure once
Who was our joy and pride
We loved her and perhaps too well
For soon she slept and died.
All is dark within our dwelling
Lonely are our hearts today
For the one we loved so dearly
has forever passed away.
In 1907 Edward Gunn, along with Arthur E Adams, successfully applied for a lease 1052Y in the Bulong Wardens Court.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus 16 January 1912, page 4
Bulong – A good patch of gold was struck here yesterday by Mr Edward Gunn in his lode claim situated on the famous Oversight lode, from which so many thousands of ounces were won a few years ago. It is estimated that the find, about 90 ore bags full, contains between 80 and 100 oz. of gold. About 20 oz. of clear gold has already been picked out. Mr Gunn got 66 oz. a couple of months ago from the same claim a few yards north from the present. Both finds are only about 6 ft. from the surface
Edward Gunn’s mining enterprises were so successful the family was able to move to the Albany area and purchase a farm.
Albany Advertiser 24 December 1924, page 3
Edwards death On 18 December 1924, Edward Gunn described as a “much-respected settler” of many years standing lost his life in tragic circumstances on Thursday afternoon, while engaged in hay carting on his property on Perth Road. He had the assistance of his son Edward in cutting and loading and the father was riding on top of the load when the horse suddenly shied at a large hayrick. The rope securing the load of hay snapped and Mr Gunn lost his balance and fell head foremost to the ground, breaking his neck. Dr. A.R. Home was summoned from town but life was already extinct. The body was brought to town and Mr S.G. Butcher, acting Coroner ordered a post-mortem examination. An inquest will be held on Tuesday at 11 AM. Mr Gunn had reached his 67th year and lived with his wife and grown-up family.
Catherine survived Edward by 24 years, passing away at the great age of 91. They are buried together in the Albany Memorial cemetery.
Mount Barker and Denmark Record 31 May 1948 – The death occurred at the Albany District Hospital on May 18, after a short illness of Mrs Catherine Gunn. The deceased lady was in her 90th year and had been a resident of Albany since 1912. The funeral took place on Thursday, May 20, leaving St. Joseph’s Church after a service at 2.30 p.m. The chief mourners were her sons Frank, Edward and Joseph, daughters-in-law Mrs E. J. Gunn, and Mrs J. H. Gunn, and grandchildren Doreen, Mary, Joy & Ray.
Moya Sharp
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