The Greatest Polo Match – a verse

Magnet Mirror and Murchison Reflector 12 January 1928

Polo Shadows.

Now saddle up your brumbies,
And tighten up your girth;
The task is now before you,
And we will soon know what your worth
For you’ll meet the greatest horsemen,
That ever yet has been;
And see the greatest polo match,
That ever yet was seen.

There’ll be Connelly on a chestnut,
Jim Burgoin on a bay:
Jim Eve’s the champion lightweight,
Will be steering Dargan’s grey.
There’ll be wild and daring Conaughton,
Who’s known through out the West,
As the champion Irish rider,
On his pony, Digger’s Rest.

I’m stuck for names and horses,
Just to give the rhyme a swing
I’ll chuck in Harry Wansbrough,
The old Tomato King
There’ll be handsome Jim the barman,
Whom the girls would like to catch:
And Con the bull, from Baker’s,
In the famous polo match,

There’s Hunter, Lee and Fisher,
And Dymond, too, will shine,
Like he did in dear old England,
In days of Auld Lang Syne.
Jack Eamer and Les Williams,
Will be seen among the batch,
On their famous “macaronies,”
In the worlds greatest polo match.

On the humpies near the racecourse,
There’ll be thousands on the roofs;
While the town band plays a ragtime,
To the thunder, of the hoofs.
There’ll be moving picture showmen—
From the limit down to scratch-
Getting films for re-production
Of the champion polo match.


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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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