In 1899, Kalgoorlie was to have two of the biggest events on the social calendar. The marriages of two of the members of the leading Kalgoorlie business Brennans Bros, Kyran and James Brennan. The difference being that the wedding of James Brennan took place in Perth and Kyran Brennan in Kalgoorlie.
Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 – 1916), Thursday 30 November 1899, page 12
KALGOORLIE WEDDING. A very pretty and stylish wedding took place at St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church on October 25 1899, the bride being Miss Theresa Maher, the well known vocalist, and the bridegroom Mr Kyran Brennan of the firm of Brennan Bros. Kalgoorlie and Boulder. The bride was given away by an old family friend, Mr A. A Horan. She wore a handsome toilet of ivory white satin brocade, made with long court train and trimmed with crepe de chine. The bodice was handsomely trimmed with tucked chiffon and designs of true lovers knots in ruched chiffon and orange blossoms. The train and panels were finished with handsome brilliant buckles and embroidered tuille veil. She wore a wreath, and shower bouquet finished this charming toilette.
Mr Kyran Brennan was supported by his brother, Mr P. Brennan, as best man. Miss Maher, the chief bridesmaid, wore a pretty confection of white silk, trimmed with Valencienne insertion and lace. The sleeves and bodice were finally tucked, skirt trimmed with narrow frills of silk, and lace, and chiffon fichu, and pretty hat of white drawn chiffon and satin straw, and trimmed with ostrich tips and ribbon. Miss M. Critchley wore China silk, richly trimmed with torchon insertion, and lace and wide sash trimmed to match the bodice and hat that en suite. Both maids wore handsome gild cable brace lets set with pearls and shower posies, the gift of the bridegroom.
Mrs T. Maher, the mother of the bride, wore a handsome costume of black corded silk, trimmed with jet and softened with chiffon, with bonnet en suite. Other notable costumes were :Mrs Critchley, a stylish blouse, checked silk, black silk skirt, and pretty black and white bonnet ; Mrs A. Handelstain of Coolgardie, grey poplin cloth, trimmed with white corded silk, and steel trimmings; Miss Dora Mandelstam, cream silk and picture hat; Miss Edith Ackland-Hill, pretty floral muslin over eau-de-nil silk, trimmed lace, and chiffon fichu and sash, cream picture hat en suite; Mrs G. Iruscott, fawn costume, yoke and vest of lace over white satin, finished with Alsatian bow of green silk; Mrs O’Dea, grey brocade, white silk Tuscan trimmings, pretty hat en suite ; Miss J Foley, pretty white silk, trimmed with Valencienne insertion and lace, and pretty hat to match ; Mrs C. E. Flint, Fremantle, pale green braided delaine, white satin vest trimmed with a ribbon, hat to match;
Mrs James Brennan, point lace over eau-de-nil silk, trimmings of Maltese lace, and pretty hat to match ; Miss A. Ruthven, fawn coat and skirt, pink vest, and hat to match ; Miss Fitzgerald, white silk, ruched with turquoise blue ribbon, white hat finished with a garnation of cherries; Mrs Frank Scott, figured muslin, eau-de-nil trimmings, white hat with ostrich tips and pink roses ; Mrs M. E. Downie, handsome white costume, trimmed with lace. Many other handsome toilettes were noticed.
The officiating clergyman was the Rev. Father Hennessy, of Fremantle, assisted by the Rev. Father O’Carroll. Much care had been devoted to the decoration of the church for the occasion and the effects gained were heartily admired by the many persons who assembled to witness the sacred ceremony. As the wedding party left the church the organ, played by Mr H. Clare, pealed out the beautiful strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march.
After the ceremony about 100 guests were driven to Thompson’s Railway Hotel, where a reception was held in a specially appointed drawing room. Then the company sat down to a most sumptuous breakfast, laid out in the dining room, which had been elaborately and very tastefully decorated. The menu was a rich one and reflected great credit on Mons. F. Aubert and Signor A Binaghi, who had charge of this department The health of “The Bride and Bridegroom” was drunk on the proposition of the Rev Father Hennessy. In the course of his happy speech the rev. gentlemen referred to the fact that the bride had at Fremantle gained the proud title of
“the nightingale of West Australia.”
Her high musical gifts had always been liberally used in the cause of charity, an appeal for her aid for a good cause always meeting with a benevolent acquiescence. The speaker made reference also to the high estimation in which the bridegroom was held, and to the enviable position which the firm of Brennan Bros. had attained through genuine enterprise and ability in business matters. Musical honors, of course, accompanied this toast. The other toasts honored were ” The Bride’s Mother,” proposed by Mr A. A. Horan and responded to by Mr Phillips ; “The Bridesmaids,” proposed by Mr O’Dea and replied to by Mr Horan ; “The Groomsman,” proposed by the Rev Father O’Carroll and responded to by Mr P. Brennan ; “The Firm of Brennan Bros,” proposed by Mr Tomlin and replied to by Mr James Brennan ; and ” The Chairman,” proposed by Mr L. Cullen. A flashlight photo. was taken of the bridal party and guests just after the breakfast.
Mr and Mrs Brennan left by the express train at 3 o’clock, p.m for Perth as the beginning of a tour in the Eastern colonies, being accompanied to the station by a large number of friends. The bride traveled in a fawn coloured costume, with white brocaded satin vest and yoke, richly trimmed eau-de-nil chiffon ruching and applique of fawn and pale green leaves, a Parisian hat of white satin straw, ostrich tips, ribbon, and ruched chiffon. Many of the handsome costumes were from the hands of Miss Stephens (Mrs Paull), of Brennan Bros, Kalgoorlie, and also Miss Dahn, Boulder.
The following is the list of wedding presents received :-Mother of the bride, piano and cheque ; bridegroom to bride, handsome diamond marquisite ring; bride to bridegroom, diamond studs; Miss Maher (sister of bride), piano stool and music cabinet; Mr T. F. Maher (brother of bride), Fremantle, silver mounted carvers in case and handsome silver butter dish; Mr P. Brennan, handsome gold watch and muff chain ; Mr and Mrs James Brennan, silver dinner cruet and silver mounted jam dish; Miss Critchley, case of afternoon tea spoons; Mr A. A. Horan, beautiful silver egg cups, spoons, serviette rings in case; St Mary’s R.C. Choir, hand some dinner cruet and silver-mounted salad bowl; Mr Phillips, silver-mounted pickle jars; Mrs Critchley, pair of silver serviette rings in case ;
Mr M. J. Nolan, pair of silver bon-bon dishes; Miss Foley, handsome fish slice and fork and hand-painted pictures ; Mr and Mrs Neil Douglas, beautiful pair of initialed serviette rings; Mr and Mrs Cullen, silver-mounted fruit stand; Messrs Bargood, Butler, Nicol, and Ewen, handsome case of fish servers ; Mr and Mrs Mandelstam, of Coolgardie, beautiful afternoon tea set ; Mr G. Keenan, lady’s toilette case; Mrs G. Truscott, set of silver jam spoons; the employees of Brennan Bros Boulder, liquor stand; Mr and Mrs O’Dea, silver mounted carvers in case; Miss Acland Hill, silver-mounted honey jar ; Mr and Mrs Paull, silver toast rack; Mr Tomlin, massive silver-mounted flower stand; Mr W. Ruse, case of silver fruit knives and forks; Mr and Mrs Frank Scott, siver teapot, cream jug, and sugar basin; Mr and Mrs C. Flint, Fre mantle, handsome marble clock; Mr H. R. Martin, set of carvers ; Messrs G. and R. Wills and Co., travelling bag; Mr A. G. Rains, handsome Fahrenheit barometer; Miss A. Ruth ven, silver-mounted salad bowl; Mrs Musgrove, butter knife, jam spoon, and pickle fork in case ; Messrs. D. and W. Murray, beautiful marble clock.
Western Mail Friday 18 August 1899, page 35
Argonaut Saturday 19 August 1899, page 8
On Tuesday of last week an absurd rumor was circulated to the effect that the Governor’s daughter bad been married that day because a procession of drags and carriages, filled with silkbatted, well groomed men, and stylishly attired women, had been observed driving through St. George’s terrace, led by a bridegroom and his bride in an open landau drawn by a pair of grey horses. Such, however, was not the case, the bridegroom being Mr James Brennan, of the firm of Brennan Bros, Kalgoorlie, and the bride, Miss Elizabeth M. Fitzgerald, of Melbourne. The marriage was solemnised at the Catholic Cathedral, Perth ; in other words the Church of Immaculate Conception, the officiating clergyman being the Rev. Father O’Gorman, assisted by Father Hegarty, the former having come from Kalgoorlie in order to perform the service. At the hour fixed for the ceremony the church was filled with spectators and guests, and groups stood outside to watch the departure, a number of four-in-hand drags and carriages being in readiness to convey the bridal party to Osborne, where the breakfast and reception were held.
Moya Sharp
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