Joseph Price (c1829 – 1933) by Irma Walter 2014 When the 1929 Centenary was celebrated in Western Australia, newspapers went looking for the oldest residents in the colony. Many names were put forward, but only those who could prove their status were awarded a bronze medal, forged by the Perth Mint. Joseph Price was included […]
Fields Find Cemetery on the Old Yalgoo Road
Fields Find Cemetery – Coordinates: -29.03668, 117.25572 On mining reserve No 14350 12 known burials Fields Find Cemetery Sign – Photo by Doug Hardman In a thicket of acacias on the low side of the present Yalgoo Road, hidden from passing motorists, lies the Fields Find Cemetery. It is a good 1 ½ km by car from […]
Five Marriages and a Murder Trial –
The following story has many twists and turns and has been difficult to trace in a timeline with various marriages and children born. If anyone has any further details to add I would love to hear from you so that the story is told correctly. Daily News Perth 7 March 1936, page 1 Sensational Disclosures […]
Paynes Find Cemetery
Paynes Find Cemetery Location:- off Goodingnow Rd Paynes Find, Post Code 6612 Lat: -29.270163, Lug:-117.68618 Reserve 21873 an area of 404 Squ meters gazetted 10 May 1938 16 burials Although the Paynes Find Cemetery has been on the Outback Family History website for some years it needed some research to bring the information up to […]
The Shadow of Death Hotel & Tiger Tail Jerry
There was a man by the name of John Hawes who was a parish priest up to the 1930s in the Yalgoo/Murchison district. In a biography on his life he tells of how, after riding all day, he spent the night at a lonely wild spot with a well called the ‘Shadow of Death’. There […]