George Mountjoy – twice lost

MOUNTJOY George, 36 yrs, Buried in the Cue cemetery on Dec 1895, location not specified. He was born in   Cheltenham England. He was reported missing by a friend who last saw him leaving his camp near Cue in the Murchison of Western Australia to go to his workplace a short distance away, he was […]

Men in a Mining Camp

Men In A Mining Camp  – A tale by N.E. Gledhill This ‘Ripping Yarn’ from the pen of N E Gledhill is kindly shared by his Great Nephew Allen Gledhill with thanks:  As soon as I had explored the empty, hollow-sounding rooms of our new house in Boulder, I saw with delight that a huge […]

The Ghosts of Red Flag Well

Sophie Chapman died at the Ajax Gold Mine lease at Red Flag on the Mt Margaret Goldfields 12 miles southwest of Laverton and 2 miles from the Hawks Nest Rail Siding. Buried alongside is Alexander McDONALD (age 27) 100 meters ESE of the old Red Flag Well. Sophie Chapman and Alexander McDonald were killed by […]

A Soldiers Letter – Ted Lennell

The following is a very interesting letter which was sent by Ted Lennell about his impressions of rural England during WW1. Evening Star Boulder 19 August 1916, page 2 LETTER FROM LANCE-CORPORAL TED LENNELL Mr. W. T Piper, of the Boulder Council staff, has received the following interesting letter from Lance-Corp Ted Lennel, son of  […]

Ghastly Shooting in Leonora –

Sunday Times Perth – 20 March 1938, page 12 Two Dead – Leonora Tragedy 67-Year-Old Man Shoots Daughter-In-Law Mrs Stockton, the wife of the officer in charge of the Leonora water supply, was shot by her father-in-law, William ‘Bill’ Stockton, early today. Immediately afterward the 67year-old man walked inside the house and shot himself in […]