The next file is now released: File 36 from 16th March 1914 to 30 Jan 1916 – SEARCH Back in 2005, one of the members of the Goldfields Family History Society who worked at the Kalgoorlie Hospital, told us that all of the original admission registers from the very first days of the Kalgoorlie Regional […]
John Minden Caulfeild – grave tales
On the evening of Monday 20th October 1896, three men of Kanowna, Open Call stockbroker Thomas Moore Fletcher, 22-year-old photographer John Minden Caulfeild, and Richard Baugh, cycled out to Lake Gwynn and set up a camp on the western shore of the lake about 5 miles from Kanowna. They had hired ‘The Gwynn’, a flat […]
Dollypot – The voice of the men who made the country
The ‘Dolly Pot’ column which was started in the Western Mail newspaper between 1936-1942 was initiated by Cyril Longmore and later taken over by Malcolm Uren. The column started out to collect the reminiscences of the pioneer prospectors and was remarkedly successful. Dolly Pot remains the most significant source of information on the Westralian goldfields […]
The Greatest Polo Match – a verse
Magnet Mirror and Murchison Reflector 12 January 1928 Polo Shadows. Now saddle up your brumbies, And tighten up your girth; The task is now before you, And we will soon know what your worth For you’ll meet the greatest horsemen, That ever yet has been; And see the greatest polo match, That ever yet was […]
Murder in the Dark – a crime of passion?
Sunday Times 26 December 1937, page 2 MURDER IN THE DARK Who Killed Marin Trdervich Peculiar Circumstances in Boulder Tragedy Dead Man’s Mate Talks to “The Sunday Times” Who was the man dimly seen in the darkness of a Boulder street on Monday night engaged in the act that brought death to 45-year-old Marin Trdervich? […]