by John K Ewers – Western Mail Perth 25 December 1928, page 76 Micky O’Driscoll, or “Micky the ‘Micky the Priest,” as he was known, humped his bluey disconsolately through the scrubby jam-tree thicket. Behind him some ten miles lay the town . . . . Hell’s blessings on it! . . . where he […]
Martin Howard – grave tales
The above photograph may be the earliest image taken in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. It is of the grave of Martin Howard, Kalgoorlie – Registration 503/1895, age 26yrs. Nothing remains today of this memorial. It’s not known if it was made of wood or stone. There appears to be no other graves in the background. South […]
Mark Lewis – Mayor of Day Dawn
From: Jewish Herald VIC, Friday 24 January 1908, page 10
The James Family – a story in pictures
We are fortunate that the family stories and wonderful photos have been shared by Tony James. They show an excellent insight into life in the bush. Tony Tells me – from 1924 to1927 my grandmother, Mary Josephine JAMES nee Hager [1891-1990] ran the wayside Hotel at Bilyuin Pool. My grandfather Oliver Melville Rupert JAMES [1891-1962], […]