Nannine Cemetery –

Recently researched and updated by John Pritchard with thanks Nannine Cemetery (26.885S 118.341E) 35 kms South West of Meekatharra 94 Burials A Brief History and List of those persons known to be laying at rest there. (Caution-This document may contain names of deceased Aboriginal/Australian First Nations Peoples) Australian First Nations Peoples. For many years prior […]

Goldfields ‘without’ Chrysanthemums – by Catherine Bond

Goldfields and Chrysanthemums – Notes of travel in Australia and Japan by Catherine Bond I have always loved reading the personal diaries of people who have come to the Goldfields in the early days. It gives you a description of the day-to-day problems that people encounted and their impressions of the place and time. In […]

A Dastardly Deed in Lefroy Street

Coolgardie Miner 28 December 1897, page 5 SENSATIONAL SHOOTING. Attempted Murder by Four Armed Men A party of shop workers was held up in Forrest Street Coolgardie by two armed and masked men. There is so far no known motive for the dastardly crime and no arrests have been made. The police are baffled. One […]

A Pioneer Remembers – Charlie Counsel

Daily News 2 February 1935, page 13 Pilbarra Shows the Way to the Gold Rushes Pioneer Recounts his Romantic Story By ‘Westerner’ A man who went to the Kimberleys and its goldfields in 1887, and on the morning of his 21st birthday was doing the last 18 miles of a 300-mile walk with his swag […]

Damper and Dog

The early miners’ staple diet consisted of ‘Damper and Tinned Dog’, washed down by the inevitable mug of black tea – a meal sufficiently filling to satisfy the cravings of appetites blunted by protracted periods of roughing it in the bush. Apparently, tinned meat, or tinned dog as it was mainly called, must have agreed […]