Messs Boylen and Anthill -pioneer profile

Western Mail 9 December 1899, page 166 MESSRS BOYLEN AND ANTILL Leading Share Brokers. Messrs. Boylen and Antill are the oldest established, and probably the most widely known, Kalgoorlie broking firms. They started operations early in 1896, and emerged from the spirited, but short-lived, boom of that year unscathed and prosperous. Later on, they weathered […]

A Memorial Unearthed – grave tales

An interesting tale about a grave in the Boulder cemetery. I was contacted some time ago by Peter Huntly, a relative of Annie Bell who died at the Kalgoorlie Hospital on the 24th Oct 1909, and was subsequently buried in the Boulder Cemetery on the 29th of October 1909. Peter had already seen a photo […]

The Remarkable Potter Sisters – a family story

I was recently contacted by Dorothy Maude Rodoreda (nee McMeikan). She told me of her very interesting family story from Yunndaga (Woolgar).  Her great-uncle, Richard Goninon, was the mine manager of Menzies Consolidated Goldmine for some 25 years from about 1900 to 1925. She had photos of the Manager’s Residence next to the mine and […]

Who was George Dainty ?

George Dainty died in 1901, aged about 40yrs (date unknown). His remains were found in the bush by a prospector, Henry Frederick KESTEL when searching for lost donkeys, on the 5 Jul 1903 between Childe Harold, 7 miles from the mine and 12 yards off the travelled road in the Laverton district. The undertaker, James […]

The Old Prospector – a verse

Coolgardie Miner 16 June 1938, page 8 The Old Prospector: He fossicks around from year to year Away in the country’s outback, A little bit there, a little bit here With a sample or two in his pack. Away from the tracks of his fellows, The places that other men know, To the land of […]