The Murder of Michael Naughton –

The Sun – Kalgoorlie – 22 February 1920 A MURCHISON MYSTERY UNRAVELED BY INSPECTOR MANN By the time Inspector Mann was 10 years, in the C.I.D. he was recognised as one of the ablest detectives in Australia. His only rival In WA was the late Detective Sergeant Kavanagh, but he was in charge of the […]

The Story of the Murchison-part 1

As told by the nephew of the Late J C Peterkin, also called J C Peterkin, in Perth, in March 1946. About the years 1889-1890, Gilles MacPherson and J C Peterkin met in Perth. Both were old Kimberley and Queensland prospectors, they had known each other for a long time but had never actually worked […]

His Quest by Dryblower Murphy

His Quest. by Dryblower Murphy 1926 It was out beyond the Bulong track we met him swagging in, He was middle-aged and ginger, haggard-eyed and famine-thin; And while he munched some damper and a pannikin of tea, He asked us if we thought he’d catch the Perth express at three. There was not a watch […]

Cue Cemetery and Help Arrives

Next week will be published the finished first draft (is it ever finished?) of the Cue Cemetery Burial Register. For the last 18 months John Pritchard and I have been working on an upgrade of the Cue Cemetery records. Not being happy with just a name and a date, John proceeded to try find out […]

The Probable Fate of James Thomas Whyte

Another page from the ‘Book of the Bush’ Truth Perth -13 November 1915, page 4 TALE OF THE WILDS THE PROSPECTOR THAT NEVER RETURNED. Probable Fate of James Thomas Whyte The result of a par in our last week’s mining budget has been the cause of considerable inquiry as to the fate of a prospector […]