The Diggers New Year Song

The Diggers new Year Song describes how a group of miners toiled without success until late in the Old Year and having at last struck gold were determined that all around them would join in celebrating the advent of the New Year and the good luck they were sure lay ahead:- Come pass the glasses […]

A Family Affair

The dire economic situation and lack of marital prospects in Yugoslavia prompted many young women to embrace the uncertainty of an ‘Australian’ husband. Women were usually without means and thus restricted with their choices. Yet even when they had been educated, their families influenced their choice of husband and condemned them to a bush life […]

William James Cecil – grave tales

This wonderful photograph was taken at the rear of the ‘Fancy Goods Depot’ at 65 Bayley Street, Coolgardie. In the photograph are Annie Cecil, William James ‘Jim’ Cecil, and their two sons Clyde and Les Cecil. The photograph was taken in 1906 by Jack Bayley who was Annie’s Brother-in-law. The family ran this store for […]

Blood Red Days of the Golden West –

The Truth – Qld -10 January 1926, page 12 LIKE every other gold-rush in history, the outbreak of yellow-gold fever in Western Australia attracted many of the best, and a number of the worst, humans from far and wide. BUT it was not until the terrible hardships of the pioneers were known to have been […]

The Corrick Family Entertainers

BOULDER- TOWN HALL. ‘THE CORRICK FAMILY” Saturday 14th August 1909. The Corrick Family  continued their Boulder season last night. There was a large attendance in the popular portion of the house. The items of the program consisted of orchestral selections and choruses by the full strength of the company and a fine hand bell performance, […]