A Tonsorial Dynasty – the Mickle boys

The Mickle family has established a dynasty of Hairdressers (Tonsorial Artists) and tobacconists in Western Australia. Starting in the Murchison and Northern Goldfields of WA, the four brothers and a nephew had premises in Menzies, Mt Magnet, Kookynie, Laverton and Wiluna, and Meekatharra. They would also open a business in Narrogin in later years. The […]

Coles’s Find – a fair prospect

Sunday Times 6 June 1920, page 1 Cole’s Find Near Wiluna How a Returned Soldier Discovered a Goldfield by Horace Stirling George Cole, the discoverer of Cole’s Find, 11 miles south of Wiluna, is a scion of a family of 15, four of whom first saw the light within an interval of eleven months. His […]

Leslie Frederick Carter – grave tales

This week with ‘grave tales’ we are doing it the other way around. With someone being born in the Goldfields but dying elsewhere. On the 21st of February 1899, this finely dressed young man was born in Paddington Western Australia. Paddington was in the Broad Arrow Goldfield 27kms north of Kalgoorlie along the main road […]

The Old Terbaccy Tin –

In 1985 Dan Callaghan died and was buried in the Sandstone Cemetery. This poem was dedicated to him and all of the other old times who will forever provide us with inspiration:   I found him lying by the road So I shut the old truck down And made him comfortable in the load And […]

The Coolgardie Chambers – a family story

The Coolgardie Chambers was one of the first ‘Chamber’ buildings in Bayley Street, Coolgardie. I was recently sent these two amazing photographs by Julie Marshall who has allowed me to share them with you. Thank you Julie. Julie tells me, her Great Grandfather is Edward Charles Sharland or ‘Ned’. He is identified in the above […]