The comment ‘not another Lionel’ is a long-standing joke, between a good friend of mine and fellow historian, Graeme Sisson, who was the Archivist of the Police Historical Soc of WA at the time. It came to refer to any research inquiry that we were working on that was more than a little complicated and […]
Bulong Woodline 1908-1918 by Rod Milne
The following article is reproduced with the kind permission of the author Rod Milne and the Light Railway Research Society of Australia Inc . The article first appeared in the publication, ‘Light Railways’ June 2014. A rare photograph of a loaded wood train posed at Kurramia. Motive power is almost certainly ex WAGR G 127 […]
Ante and Petrica – a love story
The following story is an extract with kind permission from – ‘For a Better Life, Yugoslavs on the Goldfields of Western Australia 1890-1970 by Dr Criena Fitzgerald. One of the most tragic love stories was that of Ante Mateljan and Petrica Mikovic (Micovich). Luka Markovich, a friend of Ante Mateljan, brought Petrica’s photograph back to […]
Arthur King or Theo Herchler – grave tales
Arthur KING – real name Theodore HERCHLER Born in Germany in September 1859. As a young man, Arthur was a student of the Conservatoire of Music where he graduated with honours. He then started working with Gilbert and Sullivan, and Doyle Carte in England as a repetiteur or rehearsal pianist. On the 22nd October 1890, […]
The White Horse Blow – a verse
The White Horse Blow by Alfred E Wallace ‘The Axeman” Lo, hear the hobbles jingle And the old Mokes bells a dingle And from the far-off Dolly Pot, the echo seems to ring O’er the ranger and the ridges Through the mulgas and the gidgeas. Where McGann was ‘Costeen Champion’, and Pearsey Floater King, Kirklands […]