Old Timer – By Tony Bozich

OLD TIMER Charlie Nalty, of  Coolgardie Westral Wheel Race fame, cant be forgot by the older generation, to Goldfields schools sometimes he came giving half holidays and warm oration. Charlie carried Glory of the Old Days, real turn of the century stuff, he seemed to personify that phase when life was not unhappy, but tough. […]

Grave Tales – Then and Now

This first photograph was taken not long after the funeral of Mrs Margaret Williams, and as you will see, it is one of the first graves in the Presbyterian Section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. Sadly the grave has not survived very well. The grave surrounds have sunk and the headstone has snapped off and is […]

They Called Kurnalpi Home – Book Review

I first read this book many years ago, in 1998, not long after it was published in 1996. It was a fascinating read then and I have really enjoyed reading it again recently when I was able to purchase a copy of my own. I wish I had bought it way back then but as […]

Charlie the Goose and The Goose’s Puzzle

No one knew his real name and it was thought that Charlie himself too was hazy on that point. There are many colourful characters in the Early Goldfields of Western Australia but the tales of ‘Charlie The Goose’ must be amongst the best. As you will see from these stories, taken from the newspapers of […]

DIGGER – one man, one pan and a million square miles of outback !!!

A naïve Pom stops at a pub in a Goldfields ghost town. He’s equipped with a shovel, a suitcase of books and a dog with a stupid name. “I’d like to find some gold!” he announces brightly. The huge bloke behind the bar takes a pull on his cigarillo, squints through the smoke: “Yeah,” he […]