No Bull and the Brady Murder !!!

This building will be instantly recognised by many located at 14 Wilson Street, Kalgoorlie. Today it is an excellent Italian restaurant called Orecchiette’s. However if you compare the two photographs you will see something missing. ie The Bulls head over the main door !!!! I have tried to find out what happened to it but […]

The Buck Brothers – Goldfields Heros

The following is a brief story about two of our Tunnelling Heros from the Goldfields – Courtesy of John Reading of the Tunnllers.Org NOTE: Although all the brothers returned from Australia all died young the oldest being John at age 44yrs.  Do you have a tunneller in your family? You can search the nominal roll […]

Indigenous Veteran to be Honoured.

Just over a year ago, I was contacted by historian, Maureen Roberts to ask if I could take a photograph of a headstone (if there was one) in the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. She had been researching the family of Hubert Lawrence and found he died in Kalgoorlie in 1970. When I visited the cemetery I found […]

An Extraordinary Tale

I have often mentioned, the regular occurrence, of what you may call ‘synchronicity’ where two related things come together for no apparent reason. It seems to happen with amazing regularity and I have lost count on how many time I have received an enquiry on a particular person or place only to have another person […]

Scandal at Murtagh’s Private School

The following story is about a teacher who went from town to town setting up schools for a short time then leaving under a cloud of suspicion. First in Perth in 1892 then to Kalgoorlie and  Coolgardie then on to Perth again then Bunbury with the same results. However Mr Murtagh was in no way […]