The following story is one of the most unusual I have read for some time. It really does fit into the category of ‘Ripping Yarns and Tragic Tales’ The story starts SA and ends in NSW but has a Goldfields link!!! It is reproduced here with the kind permission of the author,Annie McKay O’Riley, from […]
Burley Bill and the Cemetery Rush – by Ted Rowell
Neil McLeod, with his partner, Syd Ward, had the licence at the primitive Exchange Hotel, a galvanised iron structure at the corner of Hannan and Maritana Sts, Kalgoorlie. Talk would turn to athletics and one of the customers who fancied he could run would be ‘chivied’ by Neil McLeod. McLeod would say “I don’t think […]
They Wished Upon a Star – book review
They wished upon a star : a history of Southern Cross and Yilgarn by P.T. McMahon. Did you know that ‘MIRRABOOKA’ is the aboriginal word for Southern Cross??? YILGARNIA On that ancient sea bed of Yilgarnia, one of the oldest land surfaces in the world. Yilgarnia, timeless and mysterious, a land of such antiquity, that […]
South Kalgoorlie -How it came to be
Western Mail 26th Dec 1946 Ex-servicemen have banded together for a building project at Kalgoorlie The Housing Problem – Enterprise on the Goldfields by K, Douglas DUE to the initiative and willingness of a band of ex servicemen, a model community centre is well under way to being completed at […]
The Moorine Rock Hotel
While heading to Perth you will have to have driven past the Moorine Rock Hotel, you may have even stopped there for refreshment. Recently, courtesy of OFH reader Peter Green, I have been lucky enough to be given permission to post the following photographs of Moorine Rock and the hotel. With kind permission from Kath […]