Western Mail – Perth – 28 February 1935, page 9 He is known as ‘Red Flannel Joe‘ throughout the district. He is old and somewhat pompous and lives in a tin hut in what was once the main street of this little nor-west town of Peak Hill. It’s almost deserted now, and Joe’s structure is […]
Kunanalling or the 25 Mile – ghost towns
KUNANALLING (Also known as the 25 Mile) GPS 30 41 05 S 121 04 0E The townsite of Kunanalling is located in the eastern goldfields, 25 “miles” from Coolgardie and it was first known as the “25 Mile” when the Warden for this goldfields area recommended a townsite be declared in 1895. At this time […]
Anastasia (Annie) Williams – grave tales
On the 7th October 1916, there occurred the death of Anastasia (Annie) Mary WILLIAMS of 3 Bourke Street, Kalgoorlie. She was age 42yrs and was born in Killkenny Ireland in 1864. Her husband was Abraham Williams and she had five children, James, Dannie, Gordon, Cassie and May (May married Mr E Morgan EVANS of Gwalia […]
Cabbage is a Fossick-King
Cabbage is a Fossick-King- by Hugh Schmitt (1984) Broad Arrow’s most colourful resident, he makes up a tenth of the permanent population – is a character everybody calls ‘Cabbage’. Joseph OMODEI (few people know his real name) lives in a comfortable tin shack surrounding by his prospecting gear a couple of quartz stone throws from […]
Nungarra Cemetery :
Black Range or Ivy Linden/ Nungarra Cemetery The Black Range district in the East Murchison Goldfields was a promising field in the early 1900s, with the first real township, Nungarra, being established in 1902. By 1903 the population had risen to 900-1000 with 500 men on the alluvial patch alone. It was said only 1 […]