Tribute to a bushman – a verse

Where the hills are steep and rugged And the wattles bend and wave By a bend in the creek in the ranges Lies a bushman’s lonely grave; Gone are the rails that marked it And many summers have found The last resting place of the bushman Is only a weed-grown mound. In this lonely place […]

Dressed to Impress:- Mt Malcom dress

Outback Family History reader, John Pritchard, just sent me this fascinating article and photos. You will agree that it is quite unusual. The dress is in the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences. Womans evening dress featuring Malcolm Brewery Beer Bottle Lables:- This 1890s dress was worn by the donor’s grandmother, Sarah Ann Adamson Barnes, who […]

A City Top on Talent – by John Terrell

Kalgoorlie-Boulder has much to feel proud about – apart its gold and the many sporting champions that it has produced over the past 125 years. The twin towns have also produced gems in many other walks of life, among them acclaimed international concert pianist Eileen Joyce, Nobel Prize laureate, Barry Marshall*, and no fewer than […]

Built on Gold – A history of Western Mining

A personal account of one of Australia’s best-known mining engineers. He writes about his early association with Gold Mines of Australia Limited, and the formation in 1933 of Western Mining Corporation Limited. The book recalls the exciting days of the finding and proving of bauxite deposits in the Darling range, the formation of Alcoa of […]

A Lost Glitter – book review

A Lost glitter : letters between South Australia and the Western Australian goldfields, 1895-1897 –   edited by Michael R. Best. A Lost Glitter is the most richly detailed first-hand account of goldfields’ life we have: The letters of the Deland family between the Western Australian goldfields and Gawler contrast the rumbustious, economically chancy, life of […]