The Asplin Brothers:-

Jo Roelofs has very kindly shared the following photographs from the family album of her Great Grandfather Thomas Asplin and his brother Jack:-

Christmas Camp – by Dryblower Murphy

The miles are long in Mulgaland, Beyond the beaten pad, Today is Christmas, but no hand Grips mine in greeting glad. Yet, though this stinted meal I make Burlesques the festal board, It strums upon the strings that wake A long forgotten chord. It bears me back on rushing wings That time can never cramp […]

Amid the Smoke and Smoulder – a verse

… the demise of Pitman and Walsh In an era of the Charleston, she’s roaring out Kalgoorlie way The war’s over, gold’s in demand, and the miners are on good pay Then greed overtakes good fortune, miners’ fingers soon hit the till Gold stealing becomes endemic, and their crib bags are more than full Furnaces […]

Shattered Ideals and Fractured Identities – Book launch

Shattered Ideals and Fractured Identities: Western Australia to Yugoslavia and back 1948 – 1955 On the 17 Nov 2018, at the Spearwood Dalmatinac Sport and Community Club, Dr Criena Fitzgerald, well know history author, launched her latest book (complete with a replica boat, dancing and shots!). She said ‘It’s beautiful to see people so passionate […]

The Great Western Hotel – Coolgardie

The Great Western Hotel stood on the corner of Bayley and Hunt Sts Coolgardie. The site is now occupied by the Coolgardie Motel. It was also known as De Baun’s, after the first licensee. It was built in 1893 and was destroyed in the great fire of 1897.