A Very Private Wedding:

Western Argus 24th March 1903 Boulder The Marriage of Arthur Waldo Connelly to Marion Way 1903 Boulder Western Australia A wedding that occasioned much interest in social circles took place on March 4 between Dr. Arthur Waldo Connelly, youngest son of the late Mr. T. J. Connelly. of Bendigo, Victoria, and Miss Marion Way, youngest daughter […]

The Unknown Swagman – a verse

The Sun 1 Aug 1915 Swagman Unknown  –   Age About 5O. The body of a swagman was recently found and: buried in the bush out from Coolgardie His name was unknown, and he was about 50 years of age. In the loose mould Out from Coolgardie Bury an old . Pioneer hardy. Not old. in […]

Siberia – grave tales

SIBERIA CEMETERY /WAVERLEY Cemetery 30°14’19.0S – 120°57’01.5”E       ANDERSON  James,  known as ‘New Zealand Jimmy’ d 25 April 1895, age 40, a condenser owner who was speared by an aboriginal. He was from Aberdeen Scotland (Book Jacky, Polly and Jimmy) James death was never registered and the native who supposedly speared him was found […]

Freemasons of Broad Arrow:

Broad Arrow Cemetery – Kurawah August 12, 2018 By moya sharp For some weeks I have been working on my database of burials at Broad Arrow. My final total is 188 with 18 headstones. Every cemetery provide a snapshot of the community at the time, accident and illness in remote places does not show and […]

Trains with Names:

I have always thought it was lovely that the small locos used on the Goldfields Woodlines were given names. All the ones I have found so far have female names except for ‘Ken’. – Thank you to Peter Green for sending me this information.