Malcolm Cemetery Biographies: 138 burials Also known as Mount Malcolm There are 2 Cemeteries at Malcolm Malcolm Salt Lake Cemetery AKA Lake Raeside – 123 burial from 1897-1911 Malcolm Kookynie Road Cemetery 14 burials 1911 – 1915 Unfortunately apart from identifying various headstones in each cemetery there are not separate registers for each cemetery ADAMS […]
The Black Tracker – a verse
The Black Tracker Swart bloodhounds of the fenceless West, Black gallopers that lead the Law, To whom your victims stand confessed By every lightest line they draw; The hawks that high above you sail Have eyes less keen to pierce the blue, The dingo on his hunting trail Runs slacker in the chase than you! […]
Charlie Nalty – people profile
What did become of Charley Nalty, winner of the Coolgardie Westral Wheel Race 1902? Time has not made my memories of him faulty, but my how the quickening years do accrue. Charley, grey haired, old to young eyes, every few years would speak at our school, grant a half holiday – nice surprise! – while […]
Gullewa – a ghost town
Latitude 28° 40′ S Longitude 116° 19′ E Gullewa is a town site in the Yalgoo goldfield, about 160 km east of Geraldton. Gold was discovered here in 1894 by an Irishman, Jim Byrne and his partner Gray. Within days they were followed by the Criddle Brother who staked a nearby claim. The area was […]
Kalgoorlie Hospital Admission Records
Back in 2005, one of the members of the Goldfields Family History Society who worked at the Kalgoorlie Hospital, told us that all of the original admission registers from the very first days of the Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital were still stored in their records storage. We asked if we could view the records and when […]