The following interesting story is an excerpt from a family history written by Julie Aitken, and reproduced with her kind permission. Among Barney’s wide circle of acquaintances, colleagues and friends was the owner of a hotel in Wiluna. In 1934, Barney Anderson accepted a position as Manager of the Commercial Hotel, Wiluna. Born January 1893 […]
The Black Range Pioneers – “Where is Frenchy?”
Sunday Times 28 June 1908, page 3 BLACK RANGE PIONEERS “Where is ”Frenchy ?” There appeared in a recent issue of the Sunday Times, a paragraph relating to the original discoverers of Black Range, fourteen years ago in 1892. It was founded on the statement of one of them, McIntyre, as was published in the […]
Edward ‘Doo Dah’ Sullivan –
SULLIVAN Edward alias ‘Doo-dah” or “Dido” died 2 Jul 1896 age 36yrs – buried 2 miles north of Leonora. For some years his old barrow and some of his equipment reposed by his grave, but gradually they disappeared. Sir John Forrest later arranged to have a headstone and fence to be erected. A pioneer prospector […]
First WA Union and Labor Congress 1899:
Back Row: John Reside (A.C.D.C.A), R Hancock (Trades and Labor Council), Robert Hastie (AWA), William Fraser (AWA), James W Nevill (AWA), M H O’Connor (AWA), L Larney (Loco Drivers Assoc), William Stewart (AWA), J McCarthy (Bootmakers Union) Middle Row: R Balmire, R Pugh (Bakers Union), S R Hill (Boilermakers) , Fergie Reid (AWA), W Diver […]
Kalgoorlie Electric Tramway Employees
Did you know that there is a list of the employees of the Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways on the Outback Family History website? You can see the list at – A copy of the employment record can be requested by emailing