Why Can’t the Kids be Always Young?

Why Can’t the Kids Be Always Young? by (Edwin Greenslade Murphy) Dryblower Murphy 1926 Published first in the Sunday Times 28 Apr 1918 pg 6 with some differences Why can’t the kids be always young? Why must they grow from babyhood To hear life’s sordid stanzas sung; By souls too clearly understood? Why must we […]

Burley Bill and the Cemetery Rush – by Ted Rowell

Neil McLeod, with his partner, Syd Ward, had the license at the primitive Exchange Hotel, a galvanized iron structure at the corner of Hannan and Maritana Sts, Kalgoorlie. Talk would turn to athletics and one of the customers who fancied he could run would be ‘chivied’ by Neil McLeod. McLeod would say “I don’t think […]

A gift of Light and Water:

Kalgoorlie Western Argus (WA : 1896 – 1916), Tuesday 8 February 1910, page 25 PUBLIC DRINKING FOUNTAIN- Mr. George P. Doolette’s Gift to Kalgoorlie The public drinking fountain now on its way out from London to West Australia, the subject of this illustration has been presented by Mr. George P. Doolette, a prominent figure in […]

When the Marvel Loch Mine Fell In:

Recently Australia was shocked by the news that two men had lost their lives 500ft down a Broken Hill Mine. At the same time the name of Mazza appeared in the obituary notices of the local press. Probably it bore little significance to any but sorrowing friend and relatives – for few could cast their […]

The Desert Warriors – 1973

The Desert Warriors, Mt Margaret, Laverton Western Australia 1973 Back Row: Leo THOMAS, Chris JOHNSTON, Kevin THOMAS, Eric THOMAS, Norman SIMPSON, Albert NUDDING, Gary ELDER, Barry THOMAS (Capt), Gary SULLIVAN, Fred McARTHUR, Gus MILLER Front Row: Laurie DEAR, Preston THOMAS, Andrew LAWSON, Brian McINTYRE, Ron SMITH, Timothy ROBINSON, Duncan BILSON