Registered or not Registered – that is the question ???

Outback Family History – Tips and Tricks In over the last 30 years or so in helping people to search their family history and of course my own family, a comment often made to me is- ‘Grandma’s death was never registered’. However, I find that this usually is not the case and a registration not […]

A Ghan who did a ‘woowing go :

The Sun, Kalgoorlie: 24 March 1907, page 9 MARRIAGE OF A RUE DE BROOKMAN RESIDENT. The foundations of goldfields society were shaken to their bedrock bottom on Wednesday morning, last, when the “Kalgoorlie Miner” issued with the announcement of the marriage of a well known Afghan, to a more notoriously known French woman, of the […]

The Hill Brothers in Coolgardie – grave tales

Daily News Perth – Friday 30 November 1894, page 2 Admissions to Coolgardie Hospital – Adolphus Hill, aged 23, a native of Kyneton, Victoria, had low fever and exhaustion, he was delirious when admitted, and everything possible was done for him, but he never rallied and quickly succumbed. Birth Registration in Victoria for Adolphus and […]

The Boulder Block Turns Back the Clock – a verse

If you want to turn back the clock Then pay a visit to the Boulder Block The last pub left of the famous four That graced the place in days of yore. The ‘Dirty Acre’ they called the square Formed by pubs that traded there The miners came from Miles away By tram, by bike, […]

The Miners Friend – pioneer profile

Ludwig Hugo ‘Louis’ Beyers, is a name that is not immediately recognised in Western Australia but in NSW he is known as the unassuming partner of Bernard Otto Holtermann and together they were the major partners in the Star of Hope GM at Hill End in the Central Goldfields of NSW. This mine produced the […]