The Atlas Chambers was an imposing building with front windows designed on novel lines. There were a large number of tenants occupying the commodious suites of rooms upstairs and the spacious shops below. The elegant displays by Elliotts, framed as they were with arched windows, would have done credit to any city store. The site […]
Deaths in the early days of Mt Margaret:
I have just completed the following project on the early deaths in the Mount Margaret Registry District. These deaths are not the very first recorded for the cemeteries in this area but are the first from when the registry district opened an office in Leonora and started registering deaths in 1897. Prior to this deaths […]
A Life in Pictures – Hemus and Hall
The first professional photographers were well ahead of their time even using the clumsy and painfully slow wet-plate method, they set about creating a marvelous gallery of portraits and scenes. They caught the picturesque, raffish, ponderous and pioneering spirit of the period in a remarkable fashion just as the character and enthusiasm of the golden […]
The Hill End Tragedy and the aftermath:
Kalgoorlie Western Argus, Tuesday 26 January 1904, page 13 Hill End Fire Tragedy. Inquest on the Victims Mr. A. J. Evans, acting coroner, and a jury consisting of Messrs F. Mitchell (chairman), J. Matthews and W. V. Lee, inquest held into the cause of the death of the three little boys Lee, who were burnt […]
The Railway Coffee Palace- Coolgardie
The above photograph is of Harrisons Guest House and Coffee Palace which was in the Railway Chambers and also contained the Westralia Dining Rooms. This building, built in 1897, was directly across from the Coolgardie Railway Station in Woodward Street, Coolgardie. It was also know as the Railway Coffee Palace. The man on the far […]