My Life on the Golden Mile – Tony Bozich

Up to ten years of age and 1949 when my family moved to Boulder and up close to the Golden Mile, I lived in central Brookman Street, halfway between the police station and the brothels as I like to tell people. Opposite the Catholic Church lived a schoolmate of mine, Graham Darcy whose father, if […]

Frankie Hayman – grave tales

Frank Lawford HAYMAN, aged 2yrs 7mths (born Kalgoorlie), buried 12th December 1923 in the Anglican Section of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. Kalgoorlie Miner 21 December 1923, page 4 THANKS.— Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Edie Hayman, 103 Addis street, Kalgoorlie, desire to thank friends for their kind messages of sympathy during their recent sad bereavement. At […]

The Asplin Brothers – pioneer profile

From Jo Roelofs:  Jo has very kindly share these wonderful family photo with us. Attached are photos of my Great Grandfather Thomas Asplin  with his water condenser at Coolgardie 1898-9. According to Post Office Directory of Coolgardie 1898-99, he had his condenser in Shaw St on the right hand side if travelling from Lefroy St […]

Coolgardie Pioneer Cemetery –

The first burial at Coolgardie was of a man only known as ‘Ginger’ who succumbed to a severe bout of dysentery in 1893 and was buried as ‘Buffalo’ because a copy of that Lodge’s Rule Book was found in his camp at the foot of Mt Eva. Later, an old prospector was taken to his […]

Douglas William Gray – grave tales

Douglas William ‘Dug’ GRAY, age 40yrs, Buried 12th June 1910, Anglican Section Kalgoorlie Cemetery Grave 3540. Registration 89/1910 East Coolgardie (Kalgoorlie). Douglas was the son of Douglas Gray and Emma Harriet PYKE. He was born in Marybrough Victoria in 1871 and was married to Mary Elizabeth GILHOLM in Boulder WA in 1900. They had two […]