Doyles Well – an oasis in the desert

DOYLES WELL – originally called – CUTMORE’S WELL. Located between Leonora and Agnew and near the Turkey and Wilson Creeks. A Wayside in and coaching stop. In 1903 there was a coach service from Leonora on three days a week. There were stockmen working for the stagecoach lines stationed there until at least about 1912. […]

The Corrick Family Entertainers

  BOULDER- TOWN HALL.  ‘THE CORRICK FAMILY” Saturday 14th August 1909. The Corrick Family  continued their Boulder season last night. There was a large attendance in the popular portion of the house. The items of the program consisted of orchestral selections and choruses by the full strength of the company and a fine hand bell […]

The Giantess – Coolgardie Miner 1898

The Giantess – This lady traveled the country, made a lot of money and was much admired. It seems the female form was viewed quite differently 122 yrs ago! From the Coolgardie Miner Aug 1898 In Bayley Street last night, for the first time in the Goldfields, there was seen ‘Mademoiselle Rewald’ who has come […]

Gone But Not Forgotten – grave tales

An interesting tale about a grave in the Boulder cemetery. I was contacted some time ago by Peter Huntly, a relative of Annie Bell who died at the Kalgoorlie Hospital on the 24th Oct 1909, and was subsequently buried in the Boulder Cemetery on the 29th of October 1909. Peter had already seen a photo […]

Norseman – books and photographs

Norseman is a town on the edge of the places covered by the Outback Family History web site and blog. If you are interested in the history of the town and the surrounding area I would like to recommend the following three books. There may be others, but there are ones I have myself or […]