Adam Glover Brown – a family story

I was recently contact by Geoff Edwards, who was planning a trip to Kalgoorlie to look into his family history. His relative, Adam Glover Brown, was a member of a Masonic Lodge. Geoff was fortunate to be able to attend a talk by Doug Daws on the history of Freemasonry at the Eastern Goldfields Historical […]

George Gillespie – grave tales

Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1950), Saturday 28 January 1911, page 4 Funeral.— The remains of the late Mr. George Gillespie, late mill shift boss on the Chaffers gold mine, were interred in the Presbyterian portion of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery on Thursday afternoon, the burial service being conducted by the Rev. J. A. Agnew. […]

Russian Jack – the other J F K

Dollypot, Greenhide and Spindrift:  a journal of bush history Russian Jack and Synchronicity  –    by Diane Oldman I rather thought I had made up the word ‘synchronicity’ and when I attempted to look it up in several dictionaries I couldn’t find it.  So I decided it was a new noun – my noun.  Then […]

Our Late Beloved Son – grave tales

Kalgoorlie Miner 12th Feb 1925 BROWN — The friends of Mr and Mrs J. H. Brown and family are respectfully invited to follow the remains of their late beloved son and brother respectively, George Brown (formerly of the Midland workshops) to the Church of Christ portion of the Kalgoorlie Cemetery. The funeral will leave their […]

Aviation Pioneers of the Outback- part 3

Aviation Pioneers of the Outback of WA part 3 (Final) – by John Pritchard Connellan Airways Pty Ltd Mr Edward John Connellan became a businessman after being a teacher and then developed a passion for aviation around 1936 and his family had interests in the rural sectors Victoria and New South Wales. In 1937, he […]