Thanks to Marion Ward for researching this amazing woman. She’s a real heroine of the bush. This history was researched to hopefully provide the provenance of a collection of jewelry, which was donated to a suburban historical society. I was Keeper of Records at the society and decided to undertake the task of research as […]
Where Belinda Bought the Drinks!
by Andree Hayward 1896 a verse In the outback pub it was always know when ‘womenfolk’ would be arriving in town. The news could never be kept secret. When the weekly coach arrived all eyes would be on the lookout to catch a glimpse of the ‘new girl’. There was no lack of assistance in […]
Bulong’s Woodline 1908-1918 by Rod Milne
The following article is re produced with the kind permission of the author RRod Milne and the Light Railway Research Society of Australia Inc . The article first appeared in the publication, ‘Light Railways’ June 2014. A rare photograph of a loaded wood train posed at Kurramia. Motive power is almost certainly ex WAGR G […]
Thomas O’Donnell – grave tales
Kalgoorlie Western Argus – 25 December 1900, page 50 The Grave of Thomas O’Donnell one of the Ullaring Pioneers. O’DONNELL Thomas M, died 12 May 1898 aged about 41yrs, at the Mountain Daisy Lease, Ullarring. He was buried by Police constable Alfred Thompson HOY, Witnesses were John JENNINGS and William LAMB. His occupation was Prospector […]