William Robinson by Glenn Munro

The Life of William Robinson (Bill Robinson): The Sons of Gwalia Mine Written by Glenn Munro, his Grandson – 11th August 2020 William (Bill) Robinson was born on the 9th February 1893, in Great Crosby, Liverpool, England. At the age of 15, he joined ‘The Boy’s Brigade’ and by the time he turned 18, he had […]

Mark Lewis – Mayor of Day Dawn

      From: Jewish Herald VIC, Friday 24 January 1908, page 10        

The Water Riots of 1893

In 1893 in Coolgardie, the refusal of one condenser operator to lower his price provoked an ugly street riot. Every evening men went to the condensers, taking their turn with all the others waiting for a gallon, or sometimes half a gallon, of water, according to the supplies available. For some time, Coolgardie had been […]

The man who invented the Old Pioneers

Those were the days when each man trusted the other and rarely found his trust betrayed – when a helping hand was readily extended to the needy or the unfortunate battler even before it was sought. Rough days they were, but they were gladsome and bright with the spirit of manliness and a faith in […]

A Little Home in Boulder:

This is indeed a tiny home on the Goldfields:-  his is Mary Howell nee Hughes at her home in Lane Street Boulder with her baby daughter, Agnes Lillian Howell, who was born in Boulder in 1903. Mary was married to Gwilym (Bill)  Howell and they already had a son Endaf Howell aged 5 yrs. It […]