T’othersiders People from the eastern colonies were referred to as t’othersiders, an instance of the isolation felt by many in Australias ‘Western Third’. It was the influx of t’othersiders to the Goldfields however, which helped Western Australia to catch up in population and improve its financial status. Some of these people would remain to swell […]
Murder most Foul
Extract from The Folklore of Western Australia Edited by Marc Glasby Victor McCaskell, his wife and baby had a farm about 14 miles from Bruce Rock back in 1930. Helping on the farm was a young worker called William Frederick Francis ‘Billy’ Halbert aged 17yrs. McCaskell complained to his neighbors about Billy’s behavior and had […]
Prize Winning Gardens:
I always love to come across photos of the private homes of ordinary people in the early Goldfields days. There are so few around and what is there are, are often unidentified. I have lots of photographs of houses that are in either Kalgoorlie or Boulder, but with no address. The following photographs were taken […]
Old Age v Youth – a Darlot Divorce
We often think that family law matters didn’t go to court in the early days, but this unusual story shows that matters could still be most complicated and acrimonious: Leonora Miner 6 August 1927, page 3 Wife of 39yrs Sues Husband of 82yrs A woman of 39 years, sad-eyed and patient, and a man said […]
The Golden Rule Hotel
Sent in by Wendy Cochrane: She says “We have this photo from my partner Rob Ivey’s family. Rob’s great Grandparents Jacob (Jack) and Isabella (Nee McGregor) Alford ran the “Golden Rule” hotel in the late 1890’s.” The photograph and story are reproduced with kind permission from Rob. Photographs of Lennonville are few and far between […]