The Disappearance of Margaret Bale part 1

The Sun – Kalgoorlie  7 August 1910, page 5 part 1 The “Disappearance” and “Discovery” of Margaret Bale Formerly a Kalgoorlie School Teacher. In December of last year, 1909, Margaret Bale, a young woman about 25 years of age, who had for the three years previous, been a member of the teaching staff of the […]

A Legend Cut Down – pioneer profile

Kalgoorlie Miner – 19 March 1934, page 5 Tragedy at Ora Banda Ora Banda has once more been the stage for a sad and dreadful fatality. Mr Charles Emery, who left the hotel with his cart and horse about 9 p.m. on Sunday, the 11th March was discovered on the following Monday morning, at about […]

In Old Paddington Cemetery

In Kalgoorlie’s north, away out in the scrub Where nobody’s shoulders you’re likely to rub On an old winding track one scarcely could see Well hidden by bush is an old cemetery. And those lonely old graves with headstones of white Would appear to be ghosts should you pass by at night. Here graves are […]

Mrs Darcy’s Memoirs

I was recently contacted by Graham Darcy who had just made a trip to Kalgoorlie where he wished to look up the location of his old home which was at 35 Brookman Street, Kalgoorlie. When Graham was born, the family lived in in Ardagh Ave Kalgoorlie. Then in 1946 they purchased a house at 35 […]

The Trail of the Bootless Toe – part 2

Truth – Perth – 19 January 1930, page 6 The Trail of the Bootless Toe Led on to death. Part 1: But Tom Traine Followed Another Trail — that Into the Golden Future (continued from part 1) The temporary manager of Munkaderry Station, on his way to Eva Downs, noticed the trail of the ‘Bootless […]