In the early Goldfields days, life was harsh and death came often to families. Not just to the old and very young, but often those in the prime of life would be taken suddenly. The main causes of death were diseases such as typhoid and accidents both at work and in the home. The child […]
Childe Harold – a ship, a horse or a poem ???
We now have a new town on the Outback Family History website: Childe Harold is on the Mt Weld Station, 22kms south of Laverton, Western Australia. Have you ever come across the name of a town that is so unusual you want to find out where the name came from? Many years ago I heard of […]
Emma Emilie Urquhart – grave tales
Emma Emilie BELICKE ,Born 15 Aug 1884 in Prahan, Victoria. Died 28 Mar 1919 Kalgoorlie. Daughter of Carl Wilhelm BELICKE and Emma Amelia RAU. She came to Western Australia in 1897 with her parents aged 12yrs. On the 1st Feb 1905 Emma married Ernest URQUHART in Perth WA. Ernest was a year older than her […]
Davyhurst Cemetery
Davyhurst Cemetery – Western Australia – GPS Latitude and longitude 30° 03’.82s 120° 38’.70e The Davyhurst Cemetery has 45 people buried there. Davyhurst is a Goldfields town that is situated southwest of Menzies, Western Australia, and is approximately 120 kilometers northwest of Kalgoorlie. The proposed townsite was initially declared “Davyston” in 1900. […]