Distressing Complications at the Yerilla Cemetery

Yerilla Cemetery The First Burial Distressing Complications From the Goldfields Morning Chronicle 26th March 1897 – On Monday morning 22 March 1897 Mr. Simon Elliott, age 63 yrs, manager of the Yerilla Claims died suddenly at GM Lease 64R. He was at work but died as a result of a rupture of the heart and […]

The Men Who Passed Through – Part 3

Western Mail – Perth – 7 November 1940, page 9 OLD PEAK HILL. The Men Who Passed Through. By Suter Abis, Inglewood. At the Peak Hill Co’s battery was a young Englishman employed as amalgamator. Many of the old ‘Peakites’ would remember him. He was a most likable fellow, a free spender, a good cricketer, […]

Woolgangie Hospital –

Western Mail – Perth –  25 January 1940, page 9 Woolgangie Hospital “Dolly Pot” The following is a photograph of the early days. Perhaps some of our Dolly Pot readers will remember it. Whilst the rails were being laid between Southern Cross and Coolgardie fever was very bad and one good Samaritan, (Mr. Hugh Climie), […]

His Quest by Dryblower Murphy

His Quest. by Dryblower Murphy 1926 It was out beyond the Bulong track we met him swagging in, He was middle-aged and ginger, haggard-eyed and famine-thin; And while he munched some damper and a pannikin of tea, He asked us if we thought he’d catch the Perth express at three. There was not a watch […]

Ripping Yarns & Tragic Tales – 17 October 2021

What’s been happening this week??? I have just updated the Leonora Cemetery records with all new deaths which have occurred in the last 12 months. This is done every year so the records remain current. If you have a relative who was recently, (or not very recently) buried at the Leonora Cemetery, I would love […]