James Fyfe – grave tales

While looking for something else entirely I came across this lovely verse in the Kalgoorlie Miner on the first aniversary of the death of James Fyfe. It is not one I have seen before so I wanted to know more about James and his family. This is what I found and the photograph is by […]

Bulong – The I.O.U – ghost town

Bulong Latitude 30° 43′ Longitude 121° 59′ A goldfields town about 34 kilometers east of Kalgoorlie, Bulong was gazetted in 1895. After the discovery of gold in this vicinity the area became known as “I.O.U” which was the name of a mine or a gold-mining lease. In October 1894 surveyor G.C.Hamilton was instructed to lay […]

The Fightin’ Man by N E Gledhill

This ‘Ripping Yarn’ from the pen of N E Gledhill is kindly shared by his Great Nephew Allen Gledhill with thanks: The Fightin Man Dave was old when I first met him – or should I say aged! Like a mountain tree ages, weather-beaten, gnarled, and brown, but standing straight and sturdy against the years. […]

Dead Man Rocks – the Murder of Phil Mack

Western Mail 16 December 1937, page 11 The Murder of Phil Mack DEAR “Non-Com.”-I am indebted to an old-timer and friend of South Guildford, Mr. W. E. Routledge, for sending me “The Western Mail”, and I always read with interest the Dolly Pot. One sees some glaring inaccuracies of early day events, but this can […]

For A Better Life: book launch

For A Better Life – Yugoslavs on the Goldfields of Western Australia by Dr Criena Fitzgerald We have just received a new shipment of the following book in Kalgoorlie. The first consignment sold out in 24hrs. Important Message: Dr. Fitzgerald can now take phone payments by calling  –  0417 980 553 or you can make […]