REEDY (Murchison Goldfields) Population in 1937 = 1300 of which 350 were Miners. Latitude 27° 08′ S Longitude 118° 17′ E The abandoned goldfields townsite of Reedy (AKA Reedy’s) is located in the Murchison Goldfields, 721 km northeast of Perth and 70 km northeast of Cue. Gold was discovered in the area by H. Reed […]
Tuckanarra Cemetery – now you’re but a memory blurred
Tuckanarra Cemetery -AKA Cork Tree Flat Coordinates: -27.10872, 118.09445 41kms north of Cue Karbar Station 13 Burials – 7 children – 4 women Deserted now, no more your stirred by those in quest of gold. Now you’re but a memory blurred of what you were of old. Yet, though the camp in silence sleeps, Except for songs […]
Wally Davis – a life well lived
The following is an extract of an oral history interview in 2013 with Walter Davis by Dr. Criena Fitzgerald for the ‘History of the Slav/Italian Community in Kalgoorlie/Boulder’ book project. My name is Walter (Wally) Dominic Davis and I was born on the 3rd April 1921 in Perth. My mum was born in New Zealand […]
Wally Davis – A Life Well Lived.
The following is an extract of an oral history interview in 2013 with Walter Davis by Dr Criena Fitzgerald for the:-‘History of the Slav/Italian Community in Kalgoorlie/Boulder’ project. My name is Walter (Wally) Dominic Davis and I was born on the 3rd April 1921 in Perth. My mum was born in New Zealand and her […]
The Ghost Town:- by Jules Reside AKA Cork Tree Flat Tuckanarra:- Latitude 27° 07′ S Longitude 118° 05′ E “Deserted now, no more your stirred by those in quest of gold. Now you’re but a memory blurred of what you were of old. Yet, though the camp in silence sleeps, Except for songs of […]