Sandstone Cemetery – the heart of the Murchison

Although the list of burials at the Sandstone Cemetery has been on the Outback Family History website for some years it needed some research to bring the information up to date and to add in extra research, so dull to read just a list of names and dates. One of my wonderful volunteers agreed to […]

Joseph Kearney – pioneer profile

Southern Cross Times 26 September 1914, page 2 Sudden Death of Mr Joseph Vincent Kearney. Southern Cross was thrown into a state of gloom when it became known that Mr J. V. Kearney had died suddenly at midnight on Monday night. The deceased was one of the best-known men in Western Australian mining circles. He […]

Goolam Badoola of Bulgarbardoo –

Goolam Badoola of Bulgarbardoo was the only ‘Afghan’ camel teamster in Western Australia, to transfer from the declining transport industry and successfully developed a new industry for himself — a sheep station to which he gave the name Bulgarbardoo. Many of his countrymen, although tough, capable, and enterprising pioneers of Australia’s arid interior, stayed with […]

Dollypot – The voice of the men who made the country

The ‘Dolly Pot’ column which was started in the Western Mail newspaper between 1936-1942 was initiated by Cyril Longmore and later taken over by Malcolm Uren. The column started out to collect the reminiscences of the pioneer prospectors and was remarkedly successful. Dolly Pot remains the most significant source of information on the Westralian goldfields […]

Maninga Marley – ghost town

The outback mining centre of Maninga Marley is situated some 620 miles northeast of Perth on the Dandaraga Station near Sandstone. The Maninga Marley Gold Mine, from which the place takes its name, was found by prospectors Ernest Alfred Arundel and Matthew Dwyer. The claim was registered by Arundel. Gold was discovered in the area […]