Kalgoorlie Western Argus 10 May 1904, page 29 MENZIES MURDERER EXECUTED PERTH, May 4 1904 – Mianoor Mahomet, the Menzies murderer, was hanged at Fremantle this morning, a couple of minutes after the appointed hour, 8 o’clock. The doomed man had only to step across a few paces of the open yard to the house […]
Murder in a Mining Camp
Sunday Times 29 August 1943, page 7 Murder In a Gold Mining Camp Murderers I Have Known, by Harry Mann, ex-Chief of the C.I.B., Perth, as told to Max Praed Boom days on the Murchison goldfields! What a picture that calls up, to us who remember the richness and the wickedness! of those roaring times! […]
Murder and Suicide at Nannine –
Inquirer and Commercial News 29 March 1895, page 6 THE RECENT TRAGEDY AT NANNINE. THE MURDER OF JOHN SUTHERLAND. SUICIDE OF HIS ASSAILANT. THE INQUEST. Full details reached the Murchison Times by the last mail regarding: the murder and suicide which occurred at Nannine about a fortnight ago. A brief account, received by wire, appeared […]
Dastardly and Diabolical Deed at Day Dawn
Evening Mail – Fremantle 23 March 1908, page 1 No one will deny that Harry Goninon Smith, who at 8 o’clock this morning paid, on the scaffold at the Fremantle Prison, the last penalty for the supreme crime in the criminal calendar, was the murderer of the man, William John Clinton at Day Dawn. No […]
Five Marriages and a Murder Trial –
The following story has many twists and turns and has been difficult to trace in a timeline with various marriages and children born. If anyone has any further details to add I would love to hear from you so that the story is told correctly. Daily News Perth 7 March 1936, page 1 Sensational Disclosures […]