Ghastly Shooting in Leonora –

Sunday Times Perth – 20 March 1938, page 12 Two Dead – Leonora Tragedy 67-Year-Old Man Shoots Daughter-In-Law Mrs Stockton, the wife of the officer in charge of the Leonora water supply, was shot by her father-in-law, William ‘Bill’ Stockton, early today. Immediately afterward the 67year-old man walked inside the house and shot himself in […]

Dastardly and Diabolical Deed at Day Dawn

Evening Mail – Fremantle 23 March 1908, page 1 No one will deny that Harry Goninon Smith, who at 8 o’clock this morning paid, on the scaffold at the Fremantle Prison, the last penalty for the supreme crime in the criminal calendar, was the murderer of the man, William John Clinton at Day Dawn. No […]

Imprisoned in a Shaft – Homicide or Suicide?

Kalgoorlie Miner 24 March 1900, page 7 A SENSATIONAL STORY OF IMPRISONMENT IN A SHAFT Attempted Murder at Coolgardie. Death Sentence for Accused One of the most sensational stories that has ever been told in the annals of the Perth Criminal, Court was that which was related by Mr Burnside, the Crown solicitor, in the […]

With Murderous Intent –

In the early Goldfields days, life was harsh and death came often to families. Not just to the old and very young, but often those in the prime of life would be taken suddenly. The main causes of death were diseases such as typhoid and accidents both at work and in the home. The child […]

Death of a Girl from the Bush –

The Mirror 8 October 1938, page 1 Facing a Murder Charge Soon after the death of a girl of 19 in the Kalgoorlie Hospital, on Wednesday. Det Sgt Findlay, Det Cannon and P.C. Gamble arrested  Lillian Pearson, a married woman and boarding housekeeper, 41 years, of Kalgoorlie, who was charged with having murdered Margaret Ellen […]