The Pen is Mightier !!!

The North Coolgardie Herald and the Menzies Miner:- The ‘Menzies Miner’ is was a sixteen page weekly newspaper and circulated in every town in the North Coolgardie, Mount Margaret and the East Murchison Goldfields. In those centres which did not have the advantage of a daily mail service the ‘Menzies Miner’ was widely read. The […]

Menzies Cemetery – grave tales

Just to let you know what I am working on at the moment. I have been doing a complete review of every page on the Outback Family History web site (all 468 pages) and have been making notes on:- 1. Things that need to be checked 2. Photos not working of needing replacement with a […]

Menzies – A Murderous Assault

Albany Advertiser (WA : 1897 – 1950), Tuesday 14 January 1902, page 3 Tragedy at Menzies. A shocking tragedy occurred at Menzies on Sunday night. About 10.30 o’clock the attention of persons in Shenton street was attracted by loud screams proceeding from a shop kept by Frank Walton. Several persons rushed to the place. They […]

The Egan Memorial Bike Race –

Outback Family History Reader ,Dawn Leitch, very kindly sent in the following photographs which her husband inherited from his parents. The event is the Egan Memorial  Bike Race. WESTERN ARGUS (Kalgoorlie, WA: 1916-1938) Tue 12 June 1934 Page 8 Prior to Monday’s great cycle race a dance was held in the Town Hall on the Sunday […]

Merchants -v- Miners ‘when theres a gold rush, sell shovels!’

“When there is a gold rush, ‘Sell Shovel’s’ was a term coined in the California Gold Rushes but it can be said to be true of the Gold Rushes in Australia. Many merchants selling everything from mining equipment to ribbons made more money that most miners ever dreamed of. The following is a snapshot of […]