Sunday Times Perth – 20 March 1938, page 12 Two Dead – Leonora Tragedy 67-Year-Old Man Shoots Daughter-In-Law Mrs Stockton, the wife of the officer in charge of the Leonora water supply, was shot by her father-in-law, William ‘Bill’ Stockton, early today. Immediately afterward the 67year-old man walked inside the house and shot himself in […]
Jack Tulloch – a tragic fatality at Lake Way
Geraldton Express and Murchison and Yalgoo Goldfields Chronicle 22 January 1897, page 9 A TRAGIC FATALITY AT LAKE WAY The sad news is just to hand from Lake Way that Jack Tulloch, the well-known and respected partner in Tulloch Willis and Co’s butchery business at Cue, Day Dawn and Leonora, has perished near Lake Way […]
The Waters Family in the West –
From the family records of Grant Waters, with thanks: In the 1890s (possibly 1894), my Great-Great-Grandfather, Arundel William Waters, and two of his brothers, Thomas Waters and William Henry Waters shipped their horse teams to Western Australia to chase work (carting) on the expanding goldfields. They were the sons of William Henry and Elizabeth Waters. […]
John B Ryan – an adventurous life
John B Ryan was also known as ‘Old Jack’ died near the end of November 1905, it is thought his age was about 60yrs. He was found on Sturt Meadows Station by a boundary rider some distance from Diorite King in the Leonora District. Jack was an old prospector who was reported as missing. When […]
Born of Grief and Despair –
On the 23rd of September 1903 in Gwalia Street, Leonora Western Australia an event would take place that would start a string of family tragedies. The event was the death of a little girl, Eileen Margaret Doyle. She died of Tonsillitis and Bronchitis, she was only 2 ½yrs old. She had only been ill for […]