Lennonville – a gold studded pub door

Daily News 23 July 1953, page 5  – By road, 361 miles north-north-east from Perth is Lennonville. A tourist guide book 50 years ago would have described it as a population of 3000, seven hotels, two banks, two jewellers, up-to-date town, mining centre, connected by rail. It’s still Lennonville, the idle railway platform still bears […]

The Golden Rule Hotel

Sent in by Wendy Cochrane: She says “We have this photo from my partner Rob Ivey’s family.  Rob’s great Grandparents Jacob (Jack) and Isabella (Nee McGregor) Alford ran the “Golden Rule” hotel in the late 1890’s.” The photograph and story are reproduced with kind permission from Rob. Photographs of Lennonville are few and far between […]

Simply Mavis – by Margaret Hamilton

Book Review: – This book is a biography written by a 90 year old nurse/midwife who was one of a family of eighteen children born on the Murchison Goldfields just after the turn of the century (early 1900’s). From humble beginnings Mavis succeeds in fulfilling her training at Royal Perth Hospital and was to become […]

Lennonville – Snapshot

Lennonville is a derelict town in Western Australia near the town of Mount Magnet, established in 1898 Lennonville was gazetted in 1896, after gold having been found two years earlier at the location by prospectors Lennon and Palmer. At the peak of its existence, at the turn of the 20th century, the town had a population […]