All a Hero – a tale of the Margaret

The Sun 3 July 1910, page 15 ALL A HERO A TALE OF THE MARGARET JIM AND BILL AND THE BOOTS. by “CROSSCUT” The world is full of heroes whose gallant deeds are fated to pass unrecognised and unheard of. The dizzy heights of fame are not for them, no blatant trumpet blares the bitter […]

The Gaston’s – a family saga

The Gaston Family By Marjory Burton nee York I was sent some interesting information and photographs on the Gaston family from Marjorie Burton nee York. Her great-grandfather was George Gaston. The Gastons originally came from South Australia and before that from Sussex, England. They were Charles Gaston and his wife Rebecca nee Burfield. Their son […]

A Massacre at Laverton –

Western Mail 29 October 1910, page 30 A NATIVE MASSACRE AT LAVERTON A pathetic interest is attached to the following portraits of baby Sunday, aged three months and a half-cast girl Kitty, aged 10 years, in connection with a recent Laverton massacre. The raiders, who were gathered from the surrounding districts of Kalgoorlie, Kookynie. and […]

The Probable Fate of James Thomas Whyte

Another page from the ‘Book of the Bush’ Truth Perth -13 November 1915, page 4 TALE OF THE WILDS THE PROSPECTOR THAT NEVER RETURNED. Probable Fate of James Thomas Whyte The result of a par in our last week’s mining budget has been the cause of considerable inquiry as to the fate of a prospector […]

Duketon – ghost town

DUKETON 27° 38′ 30” South , 122° 16′ 49” East Duketon is named after brothers Jack and Charles Duke who with P. Hayes and J McDonald discovered gold here in 1897. A small town developed from around 1900, but only lasted a few years, as by the outbreak of WW1, much of the mining had […]