A Wandering Pommy: the story of Dr Dale OBE “Search Parties Unsuccessful” The mysterious disappearance of Dr Dale, who has been missing from Kookynie since Saturday last, has caused his friends in Kookynie great uneasiness. It appears that the doctor, who has been practicing at Mr. M. Schneider’s pharmacy during the past five months, went […]
Kookynie people and places:-
Robert James REA’S EMPORIUM After a round of experience on the fields, MR. R. J. Rea was one of the first, if not the first, to secure a business block, and start operations in Kookynie. Mr Rea, attracted by wondrous tales of gold, came to this State in April, 1895, and entered into business […]
The Lonely Ghost – a verse
The Lonely Ghost by Evelyn Cull 1968 Throw another log on the fire, boys, A billy of tea we’ll brew And while we drink a tale I’ll tell Of something strange but true I was camped one night out Malcolm way On the side of a sandy hill, I was sitting beside my fire, mates, […]
A Case of Mistaken Identity –
While recently doing my daily post on the WAVMM ‘The Western Australian Virtual Miners Memorial’ I found that it was the anniversary of a disaster that caused the death of three men at the Englishman GM in Kookynie on the 3rd February 1900. The names of the victims were:- BOURKE John, Miner 3/02/1900 Age 35 […]
Kookynie Hotels –
The following is a brief story of some of the hotels at Kookynie. As in most Goldfields town the hotel and the church were usually the first public buildings erected. To cater no doubt to both the inner and the outer man. The only one of these hotels which is still in existance is ‘The […]