Death at Dingo Creek –

Some time ago I received a request for assistance from Graeme Hughes in New Zealand. He was trying to find the burial of a relative, his Gt Gt Grandfather, George VOYSEY. He understood that he had died in 1896 at Niagara, but after looking at the burials for this cemetery on the Outback Family History […]

A Tonsorial Dynasty –

The Mickle family have established a dynasty of Hairdressers (Tonsorial Artists) and tobacconists in Western Australia. Starting in the Murchison and Northern Goldfields the four brothers and a nephew had premises in Menzies, Mt Magnet, Kookynie, Laverton and Wiluna and Meekatharra. They would also open a business in Narrogin in later years. The four sons, […]

Bill Bright – he didn’t tell them everything!

By Roger Garwood:  – Bill Bright featured in Off Like Flies, the book published by Roger Garwood and Trish Ainslie thirty years ago. Both Outback Family History and the WA State Library have featured some of the stories and pictures. This is the ‘back story’ to the picture of Bill Bright shaving, written by Roger […]

A Case of Emu – a true story

This story was related by Clarence ‘Clarrie’ Frank MAKIN We were sitting on a bench outside the Grand Hotel (Kookynie), idly watching Horace, the emu, scratching around the yard. ‘Snowy’ Bruce, the hotel publican, was saying why we couldn’t have a dance to raise funds for the school, – ‘There ain’t enough sheilas, but what […]

Niagara’s Rise – by Nick Roberts

by Nick Roberts 20 Jan 1919 – Time Gents Australian Pub Project Mrs Clara Paton Recalls – The Western Mail (Perth) on October 30 1952: NIAGARA’S RISE “IN February, 1895, Dorrie Doolette and Charley Northmore arrived at the 90-mile and asked my husband, Arthur Williams, the licensee of the 90-Mile Hotel, if they could put […]